As we don't have a computerised stock database the model listings have to be maintained manually. Keeping list prices up-to-date is difficult and so we have not listed these and suggest that customers e-mail us for the latest prices.
Base Toys (B-T Models) 1:76/00 scale
D23 Leyland Beaver Flatdeck BR Yellow
D28 Leyland FG van Hansons
D30 Ford Thames Trader van Hansons
D38 Karrier Bantam artic van BR railfreight (y)
D56 Karrier Bantam van BR
D61 Albion 8W tanker Pickfords
D62 Karrier Bantam artic van trailer BR yellow
D70 Foden DG artic low-loader Pickfords
D79 Ford Thames Trader artic tanker Pickfords
D81 Bristol HA artic van British Road Ferries
D89 Leyland FG crewbus (2 windows) BR(S) Green
D96 AEC Mercury tanker National Benzole
D97 AEC Mercury artic flatbed Maddiston J & A Smith
DA01 Leyland FG crewbus (1 window) BR yellow
DA12 Articulated ? flatbed BR(Y)
DA14 Karrier Bantam artic van National Carriers
DA21 Leyland Boxer van Wilkinson
DA27 Leyland Mastiff low-loader + forklift
DA31 Leyland FG BR yellow
DA34 Ford D series artic van BRS parcels
DA75 Leyland Terrier dropside BR yellow
DA82 Leyland FG van Rail Express parcels
DA83 Karrier Bantam Artic dropside BR red/cream
DA84 Albion Reiver 6W open Grovers
DA87 Foden D series tipper Hoveringham
DA96 Dodge Kew Artic dropside BR
DB01 Leyland FG flatbed Co-op fuels + load
DB10 Guy Warrior artic flat Wynn's
A003 Karrier Bantam refuse truck green
B105A Bristol Lodekka DD bus W. Riding
B201B Bristol MW single-deck bus Ipswich
L11 Set of 2 forklifts red, yellow no safety cages
Base Toys (B-T Models)1:148/N scale
N003 Karrier Bantam artic flat BR yellow
Classix Cars 1:76/00 scale. Range discontinued.
EM76611 Morris J van RAC
EM76620 Ford E83W van British Waterways
EM76624 Ford E83 van BR maroon
EM76625 Ford E83W van NCB black
EM76641 NCB high-top electric van BR red/cream
EM76648 Morris Minor van BR yellow
EM76657 Austin A30 van grey
EM76687 Trojan 20cwt van brown
EM76690 Trojan personnel wagon green
EM76691 Austin K8 Van Khaki
EM76695 Austin K8 Welfarer ambulance
EM76843 Austin FX3 Taxi black
Classix Trucks 1:76/00 scale. Range discontinued.
EM76504 Jen-Tug artic van trailer BR red/cream
Oxford Diecast Cars 1:76/00 scale
76AA008 Austin A40 Farina green/white
76ACF004 Austin Cambridge grey/grey
76ACF005 Austin Cambridge police
76ACF006 Austin Cambridge green/white
76AH3005 Austin Healey 3000 met golden beige
76AHF002 Austin Healey frog-eye Sprite blue/white
76AHF003 Austin Healey frog-eye Sprite green
76AHF004 Austin Healey frog-eye Sprite beige
76ANG021 Ford Angia Van Coastguard
76AS005 Armstrong Siddeley Star Saphire dark/light blue
76ASH001 Armstrong Siddeley Hurricane beige
76ASS002 Austin 7 saloon blue
76ASS003 Austin 7 saloon maroon
76ASV001 Austin 7 van yellow
76ASV004 Austin 7 van LMS
76ASV005 Austin 7 van Daniel Doncaster
76AT001 Austin Taxi low-loader black (Pre-war)
76AT003 Austin Taxi low-loader AFS Grey
76ATL003 Austin Atlantic saloon black/grey
76AUS007 Austin 1300 limeflower
76BM02002 BWM 2002 yellow
76BUG001 Bond Bug orange
76CAP001 Ford Capri Mk III silver
76CAV001 Vauxhall Cavelier met. silver
76CC001 Carlight Continental Caravan light grey
76CC003 Carlight Continental Caravan 2-tone green
76CDS004 Citroen DS red/white
76CFE008 Vauxhall Friary Estate green/black
76COR1009 Ford Mk I Cortina maroon
76COR2003 Ford Cortina Mk II red
76COR2008 Ford Cortina Mk II white/green
76COR2009 Ford Cortina Mk II Blue mink
76COR3001 Ford Cortina Mk II gold
76COR3007 Ford Corina MkIII Noel Edmonds rally car
76COR3010 Ford Cortina Mk III Evergreen
76CP002 Ford Capri MkI sunset red
76CT004 Citroen 2CV green
76CV002 Caravan blue/cream
76DEF004 Land Rover Defender RNLI
76DEF017 Land Rover Defender Forestry Comm
76ESC002 Ford Escort MkII yellow
76ESC004 Ford Escort Mk II Police
76ETYP001 Jaguar E-type racing green
76ETYP004 Jaguar E-type silver blue
76FCC001 Ford Consul Capri green/white
76FCC003 Ford Consul Capri red/white
76FE002 Ford Escort Mk I Purple
76FE003 Ford Escort Mk I White
76FF001 Ford Fiesta red
76FP003 Ford Popular black
76FP006 Ford Popular red/black
76FR001 Ford Ranger black
76FR002 Ford Ranger red
76FX4001 Austin FX4 taxi black
76FZ001 Ford Zephyr MkII 2-tone blue
76FZ002 Ford Zephyr MkII red/white
76FZ003 Ford Zephyr MkII pink/white
76FZ001 Ford Zephyr MkII red/black
76GF001 VW Golf Red
76HB005 Vaixhall Viva HB Green
76HE004 Heinkel Trojan white
76HI005 Hillman Imp Beige
76HH003 Humber Hawk Windsor blue
76HST003 Humber Snipe tourer Tripoli 1943
76IS002 BMW Isetta RAC
76IS004 BMW Isetta Yellow
76Jag2001 Jaguar Mk II red
76JAG7004 Jaguar MkVII metallic claret
76JAG7006 Jaguar MkVII BR racing green
76JEN002 Jensen 541R green
76JEN006 Tensen 541R white/green
76KG001 VW Karmann Ghia red/white
76KG002 VW Karmann Ghia black/white
76L1109002 Land Rover Ser I open blue
76LAN180004 Land Rover Ser 1 80"canvas
76LAN180003 Land Rover Ser 1 flatback AA
76LAN188003 Land Rover 88"flatback
76LAN188012 Land Rover 88"Fire
76LAN188021 Land Rover Ser I 88 Hard back RAF
76LAN188024 Land Rover Series I 88" canvas
76LAN188025 Land Rover Series I 88" AA canvas
76LAN2001 Land Rover Series II BR (R&C)
76LAN2005 Land Rover Ser II Hoveringham
76LAN2009 Land Rover Ser II tow truck green
76LAN2010 Land Rover Ser II BR maroon hard top
76LAN2013 Land Rover Ser II Hardback Shell/BP
76LAN2016 Land Rover Ser II LWB canvas JCB
76LAN2017 Land Rover Ser II hardtop RAC
76LAN2018 Land Rover Ser II LWB canvas Southdown
76LAN2020 Land Rover Ser II hardtop Bluebird
76LAN2021 Land rover Ser II hardtop RN
76LR2AS001 Land Rover Royal Mail
76LR2S001 Land Rover Royal Mail
76LR2S002 Land Rover BR
76LR2S003 Land Rover PO Telephones
76LR2S005 Land Rover Ser II Hardback CD
76LR3S002 Land Rover Ser III hardtop AA
76LRD004 Land Rover Defender Highways
76LRDF011 Land Rover Defender station wagon HK police
76LRDF013 Land Rover Safari Defender 90
76LRFCG001 Land Rover Trans Sahara 1975
76LRL003 Land Rover RAF Red Arrows
76LRL006 Fred Dibna hardtop
76LRL010 Land Rover RAF Akritiri
76MAZ001 Mazda MX5 open red
76MBC001 Messerschmitt bubble car red
76MBC003 Messerschmitt bubble car rose
76MBC004 Messerschmitt bubble car light blue
76MCS003 Mini Cooper red
76ME006 Morris Eight open dk blue
76MES001 Morris Eight saloon blue/black
76MES007 Morris Eight Saloon grey
76MET002 Austin Metro blue
76MGB001 MGB red
76MGB009 MGB yellow
76MGBGT003 MGBGT white
76MGBGT004 MGBGT blue
76MGM002 MG midget Mk III yellow
76MGTC004 MGTC black
76MGZ002 MGZB saloon blue/blue
76MMS002 Morris Minor saloon black
76MMT003 Morris Minor Traveller maroon
76MN006 Mini union jack
76MN009 Mini grey/white
76MN012 Mini tartan, red/black
76MO007 Morris Oxford green/grey
76MST001 Austin Maestro red
76NMN007 New Mini red/white
76MX4004 Austin Maxi blue
76P38003 Range Rover green
76RCL003 Range Rover Classic Red
76RD003 Renault Dauphine metallic blue
76RE004 Riley Elf red/beige
76RN002 Renault 4 red
76RN003 Renault 4 blue
76RP004 Rover P6 Paprika
76RP006 Rover P6 blue
76RP5002 Rover P58 black
76RRC002 Rolls Royce Corniche sand
76S3003 Audi S3 cabriolet 950 red
76SC001 Motor scooter blue/white
76SC004 Motor Scooter Gold
76SFT005 Standard Flying Twelve green
76SOM003 Austin Somerset blue
76SR006 Sunbeam Rapier moonstone/brown
76T250011 VW T25 camper liana green
76TP006 Triumph 2500 green
76TR6002 Triumph TR6 red
76TR6004 Triumph TR6 black
76VO001 Volvo 760 met gold
76VW004 VW camper open red/white
76VW011 VW bus white
76VW017 VW minibus surfboards flower power
76VW023 VW van, yellow
76VW033 VW bay window pickup red/white
76VWS004 VW T1 van light grey
76VWS005 VW T1 Samba surfboards blue/white
76VWS006 VW ti camper grey/white
76VWY006 Vauxhall Wyvern Metallic green
76WO001 Wolseley 18/85 police black
76WO006 Wolseley 18/85 green/black
76WOL002 Wolseley 6/8 maroon
76ZEP008 FordZephyr Mk III red
76ZEP009 Ford Zephyr Mk III green
76105003 Ford Anglia police panda car
76105011 Ford Anglia ambassador blue
Oxford Diecast Commercials/Military 1:76/00 scale
76AC002 Austin Champ 9th Para Rgmnt
76ACD002 Scammell LD55 dump truck NCB
76AEC002 AEC Matador wrecker Pickfords
76AEC003 AEC Matador lorry "Sunters"
76AEC006 AEC Matador wrecker BRS
76AK003 Austin K8 panel van Walls Ice Cream
76AK005 Austin K8 panel van Austin Service
76AK016 Austin K8 panel van BR R&C
76AM001 AEC Mercury Fire Engine + TT ladder
76APR002 Aveling & Porter roller Janet
76APR004 Aveling & porter roller Fred Dibna
76ATK003 Atkinson Borderer flatbed artic BR(Y)
76ATKL005 Atkinson Cattle truck
76ATV001 Austib ATV AFS grey
76ATV002 Austin ATV AFS green
76ATV003 Austin ATV London Fire Brigade
76ATV004 Austin ATV Police Mobile Column
76BD002 Bedford OW Luton Essex Fire
76BD005 Bedford OY BR (R&C) canvas
76BD006 Bedford OY dropside BRS
76BD008 Bedford OY artic flatbed GWR
76BD011 Bedford OX Queen Mary trailer RAF
76BD020 Bedford OX Flatbed trailer BR (R&C)
76BD022 Bedford OX flatbed trailer LNER
76BD024 Bedford OX + Queen Mary trailer RAF
76BED008 Bedford J1 ambulance Aberystwyth
76BF001 Bofors gun
76BHF002 Bedford WLG Heavy fire Engine London
76BHF003 Bedford WLG Heavy fire engine AFS
76BUR006 Burrell showmans loco Dolphin
76CA013 Bedford CA van Duple Motor Bodies
76CA018 Bedford CA minibus BR red/cream
76CA028 Bedford CA van RAC
76CA030 Bedford CA van Hockings ice cream
76CCP002 Coventry Climax trailer fire pump AFS green
76CHV001 Combine Harvester
76CIT002 Citroen H catering Truck Jamies Gatwick
76CM003 Commer Q25 van LNER
76CM008 Commer Q25 BR Maroon
76CMP008 CMP LAA military Tractor
76COM002 Commer Commando coach BOAC
76CTR002 Trailer maroon/red, canvas covered load
76CWT001 Commer Walk-through van BR green
76CWT006 Commer Walk-through van Rail Express Parcels